So what makes scallop wallpaper the most sought-after design of the moment? This fan patterned wallpaper comes in all colours, textures, and designs. If you browse through our Art Deco Wallpaper Collection you will see exactly what I mean. When you think of the scallop shape you automatically think of shells or mermaids tails.
This curved fish scale pattern happens to be the on-trend pattern of the moment. As some budding interior stylists want to create something that can be seen regularly used in a seaside garden or shell grottos, our pretty scallop wallpaper will bring a touch of British beach-combing nostalgia to your walls.
Black White Scallop Wallpaper
Choose a vintage motif to emblaze your walls with our Art Deco Fan Wallpaper. This off-white and black patterned wallpaper has flecks of glamourous metallic gold throughout giving this wallpaper grandeur. I could even imagine Jay Gatsby choosing this for his palace on long island.

Keeping on the subject of F Scott Fitzgerald. We even have a wallpaper name after his infamous character The Gatsby Scalloped Fan wallpaper and this comes in not one but three colourways. Choose the mauve pink and grey, yellow and grey, or the black and gold.
Scallop Stencil Edging
I am personally seeing lots of peel and stick wallpaper or stickers in this divine design. When I go on Etsy I am constantly seeing girls’ nursery wallpaper. And the same when I visit Pinterest I am seeing tons of mummies that have hand-painted scallop edges onto the walls. They do this by painting half the wall with solid paint colour and finishing the edge off by using a stencil. This is perfect for your little’s bedroom, your little pickle will love this. Meanwhile, any dirty fingerprints can easily be painted over, again and again. But we do have the cutest scalloped wallpaper for both a boys bedroom and girls bedroom or nursery. Its called the Peek A Boo Scallop Nursery Wallpaper. Its comes in pink or grey and features cascades of scallops and sweet cheeky animals peeping out in-between.
But what if you are looking for a scallop print for the rest of the home that is a little more fashionable! I do think the stenciled painted walls are fitting for a little girl’s bedroom. But I somehow feel that for a living room or adult’s bedroom the painted scallop edge might seem a little babyish. So we have the Cascade Arch Texture Wallpaper that has massive curved arches throughout. This beautiful and elegant wallpaper comes in two colours, navy blue, and emerald green.
Ruffle Velvet Cushions
I understand that these have nothing to do with the scallop edge wallpaper theme. But these cushions I feel need to be mentioned because recently I saw a big uplift with the latest style trends. And ruffles and scallops seem to go hand in hand. So let me introduce you to Paloma Faith’s new velvet ruffle cushions. I adore these luxurious ruffled cushions and you get to choose from emerald green, red or pink. Before I go on about these pretty ruffle cushions if you want to read more about Paloma Faith Home please do.

Cushions with frills in all textures seem to be the most added items to shoppers’ baskets. I went to Primark home only a few weeks ago and I saw the shop assistants restocking the shelves with a small yellow gingham cushion. As I was wandering aimlessly browsing I noticed lots of customers have the ruffle, frill cushion in their shopping baskets. So add our sumptuous Paloma Faith Velvet Ruffle Cushion to go with our scallop wallpaper.